A natural phenomenon that we all for sure can imagine is that when a coloured wind stream moves in parallel straight to the front of a pinwheel, that wind stream will become turbulent behind the pinwheel. The wind no longer moves in parallel as it does in front of the pinwheel (this can be easily tested with a smoke stream).

The operation of the pinwheel is similar to that of a wind turbine, therefore, it is impossible that the wind behind the turbine moves in a straight direction similar to the direction of the wind in front of the turbine.

Only Sir Albert Betz and some other researchers, when developing the formula to calculate wind turbine power, thought that the wind behind turbines moves in a straight direction just like the wind in front of turbines. With such a misconception that goes against the natural law, the formula to calculate wind turbine power introduced by researchers is completely erroneous.

This has never happened in the world.The incorrect formula to calculate wind turbine power leads to the fact that the currentmanufacture of wind turbines worldwide does not conform to the natural law and that the actual power of turbines is about 10 times smaller than the calculated one.This makes investment into wind power inefficient, causing huge losses to all countries that have installed wind turbines. The money invested into wind power is mainly from governments, so these losses are suffered by the people.

In this website, the author introduces his research on the mistake made by researchers when developing the formula to calculate wind turbine power for readers’ reference and comment. The most important point is that everyone needs to work together to point out the mistake of the formula to calculate wind turbine power that is being used all over the world, to call for governments to stop manufacturing and installing wind turbines in the way they are now doing to avoid losses to their countries and themselves.Pointing out errors in the formula to calculate wind turbine power is not aimed to hurt the reputation of researchers. It is to help science develop in the right direction to serve human life.

Also in this website, the author introduces new studies on the power of wind turbine and new inventions of wind turbine so that readers can read and contribute their ideas to better wind power production as well as make it more affordable, thus bringing real benefits from this renewable energy source, actively contributing to the fight against global climate change and for an ever greener world.

                                                                                                   Lai Ba At



  1. These funny pictures of 6 wind particles passing through a turbine illustrate the actual movement of wind particles in front of the turbine and their turbulence behind the turbine.


Picture 1. All wind particles say they are moving straight in the direction of the wind field and their flight paths are in parallel and at the same velocity.Particles 1 and 2 say they see a wind turbine ahead.


   Picture 2.     They are approaching the wind turbine. Particles 1 and 2 say they feel that their velocities are reducing slightly and there are minor changes in their flight paths.


   Picture 3.  Right after that, particles 3,4, 5 and 6also say they have started to experience a slight decrease in velocity and minor change in flight path as well.


 Picture 4.     As they come close to the wind turbine, all 6wind particles say their velocities keep decreasing and their flight paths keep changing.


    Picture 5.    Particle 1 says it collided with the wind turbine blades and has lost all of its energy. Therefore, it can no longer move further but it has contributed to making the turbine rotate. Particles 2 and 4 comfort Particle 1 and say they will create suction pressure behind the blades to make the turbine rotate, which will suck it away and help it escape the front of the blades. Particles 3 and 5 say they move right behind Particle 1 and will push it along with them.


    Picture 6.    Particle 1 says it has managed to escape the front of the blades and started to gain energy to move along with the other particles but wonders why the direction of their movement has changed so much.


   Picture 7.     A wind particle saysall of them are now behind the wind turbine blades but their movement has become turbulent. They even see Particle 5 moving in the opposite direction of the wind field. However, it does not matter as far away from the wind turbine they will move at the same velocity again.


   Picture 8.     They have travelled far away from the turbine in a direction similar to that of the wind field,however their velocity has reduced slightly andthe energy they lost is much greater than the electric power generated by the wind turbine. Another very interesting point is their original arrangement has been altered. They are happy since they have created cheap renewable energy to fight against climate change and make the Earth greener and greener.

Lai Ba At

No, 32/24 Phan Van Truong Street

Caugiay District, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Tel: +84 98 3796708 Fax: +84 4 37567532


Governments around the world.

Ministries of Science and Technology

Institutes of Science and Technology

Wind energy companies and wind turbine manufacturers worldwide

With you all over the world

Dear Sirs / Madams,

It is a pity that the formula for calculating bladed wind turbine power developed by scientists worldwide, which has been applied in the manufacture of bladed wind turbines up to now (January 2017), is wrong. The root of all mistakes has been the wrong assumption that the wind velocitiesv upstream of the wind energy extraction device and v 2 downstream of the device are in the same direction as the velocity v 1 of the wind field. As we observe a pinwheel in a colored airflow, we can see that there is turbulence in the wind both before and after the pinwheel. This means there cannot be a fixed value assigned to the wind velocity upstream and downstream of the wind turbine as scientists have assumed. Therefore, the assignment of a value to the wind velocity so that it can be used in other physical equations is actually a fallacy that should be revealed to pave the way for the development of wind energy industry.

I am, therefore, sending you a document proving the invalidity of previous studies on wind turbine power as well as my recent invention regarding bladed wind turbine power for your judgment in hope of making a contribution to studies on wind energy

Koupit Clomid

, a field that calls for much research that I myself alone cannot handle.

I’m also sending you a table detailing different angles of attack for variable speed wind turbines so that you can build and trial the turbines (In the invention PCT/VN2015/000007) As soon as you experience an increase in wind turbine power and see the validity of the new invention, you can contact me for access to the invention PCT/VN2016/000002, which aims at building fixed speed wind turbines. The development of this type of wind turbines is significant in lowering the costs of harnessing wind energy (about 10 times lower than the current costs).

I am really looking forward to your co-operation for a more developed wind energy industry, reduced energy costs and a more effective fight against climate change.

Upon receipt of this letter, please inform related agencies so that together we can make a better world.

Yours truly,

Lai Ba At